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 VMED Group brings the intensive and comprehensive foundations and solutions to the 2020 National Health Digital Transformation Conference

Speaking at the program, Minister of Information and Communications Nguyen Manh Hung emphasized: “Digital transformation is the next development of information technology application, however, it is a breakthrough development. The breakthrough is that the digital transformation gives the poorest access to the best services at a very low price. The breakthrough is that, each individual and every small business is able to get access to national and global markets and thereby, motivating everyone to create and do business. The breakthrough is expressed by the fact that the digital transformation does not force us to go through the stage of catching up, getting along together and then going beyond; it allows us to take the lead from the beginning and then make breakthroughs to move forward to change the rankings”.

Minister of Information and Communications Nguyen Manh Hung spoke at the conference about breakthroughs in digital transformation

Understanding the market needs as well as the difficulties and concerns of healthcare system, doctors and patients, VMED Group implemented intensive studies and developed a series of essential and comprehensive solutions and solve existing problems in medical technology.
At the exhibition space, VMED Group introduced to guests about the “National Health Data Center according to FHIR standards” with exclusive technology performing 20 million concurrent transactions, collecting all information of medical examination and treatment of healthcare facilities according to FHIR standards. In addition, “PACS Cloud centralized medical image integration and connection axis” – the technology of storage, management and sharing of medical images developed by VMED Group received a lot of attention thanks to the rapid, simple and economical deployment for all sizes of hospitals and clinics.


In particular, VMED Group’s tele-medicine platform creates a good impression by the direct connection from the clinic of Van Lang commune – Thai Nguyen to the specialists at the conference. The outstanding value of this solution is the connection of lower-level patient data to the real-time center. Specifically, doctors at higher levels can directly monitor the patient’s survival indicators by high-tech equipment, correctly and comprehensively meeting the requirements of expertise in the examination, diagnosis and treatment for patients. Thanks to the “digital referral” technology, although the patients are being treated at the local hospital, they are still examined by doctors at the central level through the support of diagnosis and treatment. By this method, the patient will save referral costs and the risks during travel are reduced, especially in the situation of critical illness. In other words, people can get access to the good-quality health services from the upper and central levels at lower- level healthcare facilities at a much lower cost compared to referral. This is also one of the criteria stated by Minister Nguyen Manh Hung in his speech on the breakthrough development of digital transformation.
VMED Group’s tele-medicine platform creates a good impression by the direct connection from the clinic of Van Lang commune – Thai Nguyen to the specialists at the conference.


At the event, Mr. Ngo Thanh Son – Deputy General Director of VMED Group made a speech on the situation, solutions and proposed implementation roadmap as well as outstanding benefits of PACS Cloud. Not only contributing to saving the film printing costs, environment protection, bringing great values to the community and society, PACS CLOUD also plays a key role in the development and implementation of electronic medical records. Quoting Assoc. Prof. Dr. Tran Quy Tuong, Director of Information Technology Department under the Ministry of Health, Mr. Ngo Thanh Son affirmed that: “Successful implementation of electronic medical records means that the digital transformation is completed by 70%. And one of the factors that greatly affects the implementation of electronic medical records is PACS. Through dedications to research on PACS, VMED Group shows the carefulness and proper strategy from the very beginning step on the path of medical number transformation”.

Mr. Ngo Thanh Son – Deputy General Director of VMED Group gave an in-depth speech about the current situation, solutions and proposed implementation roadmap as well as outstanding benefits of PACS Cloud.

As stated by Minister Nguyen Manh Hung: “Anyone who dares to pilot the new one, soon applies the new one, dares to give the new a birth certificate, this person will have a chance to succeed, break through and change rankings”, VMED Group is confident with its breakthrough, intensive and dedicated direction to bring the valuable and right-direction “solutions” to the “hard problems “of health sector./.

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