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Osteoarthritis of knee is a chronic disease that accounts for a large proportion of the bone and joint diseases, causing prolonged pain, reduction and loss of mobility, possibly causing the highest disability today. If being diagnosed and treated early, we can slow the development of the disease, reduce painful symptoms of Osteoarthritis and help maintain a normal life.

According to WHO statistics, the rate of osteoarthritis accounts for about 20% of worldwide population. In the US, over the age of 55, this figure is up to 80%. In Vietnam, there is no completed statistics but this rate of people over 40 years old accounts for over 23% and is growing rapidly.

One of the most common osteoarthritis in the world

According to Dr. Luyen Trung Kien from 108 Military Central Hospital, osteoarthritis is a regular aging process of cartilage organization, cells, organization in joints and around joints. This disease is closely related to age, which means that the older the damage is, the more severe the degenerative damage is. In addition, there are other factors influencing the development of the disease, such as genetics, obesity, and micro-trauma that occurs frequently in the joints. Osteoarthritis can also be a result of rheumatoid arthritis, joint infection or a history of strong joint injuries such as falls, work accidents, sports accidents …

Dr. Doan Viet Quan – Head of Department of Lower Limb Injury Surgery – Viet Duc Hospital said: “Knee osteoarthritis is the most common osteoarthritis in the world, the older the age, the higher the incidence”.

More and more people suffer from osteoarthritis (Photo: Healthplus)

Knee osteoarthritis includes 2 types: Degeneration caused by trauma and degenerative diseases (common, especially people over 50 years old). This disease is more common in women (accounting for 70% of cases) because over time, hormones decline, affecting bones and cartilage.

Knee osteoarthritis causes prolonged pain, deforming the knee joint, reducing daily function, affecting the quality of life, if not treated completely, it will lead to muscle atrophy, recurrent synovial effusion. disabled, disabled and even wheelchair accessible.

Surgical treatment of osteoarthritis of the knee

Currently, the technique of replacing artificial knee joints in orthopedic surgery is increasingly enhanced and developed & being applied at some central hospitals such as Viet Duc, Bach Mai, 108 Hospital…

Knee replacement surgery will replace cartilage and bones under broken cartilage with artificial materials, adjust the axis of bones, limbs, software balance (ligaments, tendons, muscles …). Surgery is indicated when medical treatment such as physiotherapy or analgesics, anti-inflammatory drugs, and cartilage maintenance are ineffective.

Knee replacement surgery at Viet Duc Hospital (Photo: Thuy Hanh)

Artificial knee replacement surgery is the optimal solution for the treatment of joint deformities, helping patients improve their pain effectively, avoid the risk of permanent disability, bring the patient back to normal activities. daily.

In addition, artificial knee replacement causes very little soft tissue damage around the joint, exposing the exact joint that needs to be replaced, reducing the maximum risk of infection for the patient. The patient’s knee replacement surgery also reduces the hospital stay time compared to other treatments, reduces pain, and soon recovers, stabilizes the health situation in the long term.

What is proper solution for artificial joint replacement?

The quality of the artificial knee joint is improving significantly more and more, which is due to the better understanding of the physiology of the knee joint.

Vietmedical is currently the exclusive distributor of UOC products (United Orthopedic Corporation). Towards the standard of surgical supportive services in orthopedic trauma with the motto: “enough tools – enough Implant”, Vietmedical is always ready to accompany the medical industry in the field of orthopedic trauma in Vietnam.

In addition, a wide product range (from first joint replacement, joint replacement to specialized joint systems for bone cancer patients) with outstanding advantages proven in hundreds of clinical reports in the US, Europe, Taiwan … will bring many solutions for doctors in artificial joint replacement surgery.

Artificial joint products designed specifically for Asian people are recognized and used worldwide in more than 39 countries such as the US, Europe, Japan …


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